Bayla Records

BayLa Records is a sub-label of Galileo MC and focuses on traditional Bavarian music as well as interesting and high-quality artists and bands from the fields of folk and world music. Outstanding releases are the 4 volumes of the series "Obacht! Music from Bavaria", which were compiled by former BR employee and folk music expert Ulrike Zöller.
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    • Topseller
    • Current releases
    World Music  Brasilien
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    World Music  Italien
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Osteuropa
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Italien
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    Jazz  Allgemein
    Lancy Falta Gypsy StreamIn the Fields BAY003 CD
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Bayern  Volksmusik
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    Jazz  Allgemein
    Joel XavierSarava BAY005 CD
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Afrika  Allgemein
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Europa  Rumänien
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Österreich  Volksmusik
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Spanien  Flamenco
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Spanien  Flamenco
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    Jazz  Allgemein
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Brasilien
    Price: 17.98 EURO

    World Music  Österreich  Volksmusik
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    Jazz  Allgemein
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Europa  Rumänien
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Spanien  Flamenco
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Spanien  Flamenco
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Italien
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Osteuropa
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Italien
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    Jazz  Allgemein
    Joel XavierSarava BAY005 CD
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Bayern  Volksmusik
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    Jazz  Allgemein
    Lancy Falta Gypsy StreamIn the Fields BAY003 CD
    Price: 16.98 EURO

    World Music  Afrika  Allgemein
    Price: 16.98 EURO