Hörbuch  Frankreich  Geschichte
Un Cours Particulier De Ahmed Djebbar Les Savants De L’Islam (Collection L’Islam Des Lumieres) FA5801 4 CD
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Price: 23.98 EURO

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Format4 Audio CD
Ordering NumberFA5801
labelFremeaux & Associes
Release date11/19/2021

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      Frémeaux & Associés and La Grande Mosquée de Paris (the Great Mosque of Paris) have joined forces to promote the history, philosophy, cultures and knowledge of the Muslim world. From the end of the 8th century onwards, an original and powerful civilisation, supported by a new religion, Islam, began to assert itself within the framework of an immense geopolitical and economic space that extended over three continents. The birth of a spirit of discovery and conquest favoured the translation of texts inherited from the Greeks, Indians and Persians; and this phenomenon of widespread appropriation of ancient knowledge allowed the development and expansion of the sciences, from astronomy, mathematics, medicine, architecture, mechanics, history and geography... Professor Ahmed Djebbar, mathematician and historian of science, presents here a panorama of scientific activities in Islamic countries from the 8th to the 15th century, followed by the biographies of twenty-four men of science from this civilisation. Audiobook in French. Claude COLOMBINI FRÉMEAUX & Chems-Eddine HAFIZ

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