Pop  Frankreich  Chanson
Les Quatre Barbus L'Anthologie 1938-1962 FA5652 3 CD
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Price: 23.98 EURO

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Format3 Audio CD
Ordering NumberFA5652
labelFremeaux & Associes
Release date10/7/2016

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      In that Golden Age of beautiful songs, the “4 Barbus” combined harmony and poetry with unrivalled perfection, mingling the burlesque and the funny, fantasy and joie de vivre, insolence and ribald humour. They came to represent the quintessence of the vocal art of the quartet singing in harmony. (Re)discovering them is a matter of urgency, and this anthology contains their best songs: famous or rare gems, to be consumed without moderation, concocted for this 3CD set by Jean Buzelin, Marc Monneraye and Jean Weber. Patrick FRÉMEAUX

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