World Music  Natur  Sounds
Yutaje - Le Monde Perdu Du Venezuela Yutaje, Venezuela: The Lost World / El Mundo Perdido FA687 CD
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Price: 15.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberFA687
labelFremeaux & Associes
Release date4/1/2015

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      “In this CD of more than 66 minutes, David Rosane takes the listener to the fascinating forests of Yutajé, in the South of Vene zuela. Here are natural atmospheres, recorded in stereo, at sunrise, during the heat of the day, at sunset or during the night, throughout the different Amazonian habitats: forests, secondary undergrowth, clearings, river-side canopy forest, etc. In this sort of “lost world”, the listener will even hear the breathing of the Boto, a South American river dolphin…” 16 natural soundscapes in Yutajé (Venezuela)

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