Hörbuch  Frankreich  Geschichte
Assemblee Nationale - Lola Caul-Futy Fremeaux La Peine De Mort - Robert Badinter FA5278 4CD
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Price: 23.98 EURO

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Format4 Audio CD
Ordering NumberFA5278
Release date4/1/2015

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      This 4 CDs set delivers a selection of the political debates held in the National Assembly of France about the Death penalty, on September 17 and 18, 1981. As result of these historical debates, France abolished the Death penalty. For the very first time on CD, more than 4 hours of the passionate discussions between the politicians are given to the public’s attention. In French (with Robert Badinter, Pascal Clément, Raymond Forni, Philippe Séguin, Philippe Marchand, Bernard Stasi, Colette Goeuriot, Roland Nungesser, Gisèle Halimi, Gaston Flosse, Pierre Bas).

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