Hörbuch  Frankreich  Geschichte
Léopold Sédar Senghor Historical Recordings Selected By Philippe Sainteny FA5136 CD
1 Stück sofort lieferbar. Lieferung bis Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024 Preis: 14,37 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Erschienen am01.04.2015


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      This CD allows to hear, for the first time in the record industry, historical recordings of Leopold Sedar Senghor. Recognized as one of the greatest poet of his time, as welle as an icon of African political story, Senghor might remain as one of the most important African personality of 20th century. The CD features radiophonic archives conserved by the National Institute of Audiovisual (INA) and RFI (Radio France International).

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