Hans Norbert Bihlmaier

Werner Egk’s comic opera Der Revisor premiered in 1957. Egk brilliantly condenses Nikolai Gogol’s comedy to create an opera score whose wittiness and acuity is equal to the original in every way. Composed as a number opera in the traditional opera buffa manner, the music bubbles over with ideas, illustrative moments, onomatopoeic effects and stylistic parodies, e.g. from jazz and sacred music. The work’s basic “Russian” color is created by harmonic references to Russian folkloric music.

The CD ROM contains extensive information on the opera’s environment and the events leading up to its creation as well as on the composer’s life and works. In addition to biographical material, it provides examples of Werner Egk’s artistic work as well as fotos from the Augsburg production. The material is rounded out by two radio interviews that Werner Egk gave to the Bavarian Radio Broadcasting Company in 1956 and 1976.
Werner Egk: Der Revisor OC 912