Jazz  Ragtime
Lizzie Miles Torchy Lullabies My Mother Sang Me CK-01184-CCD CCD
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Price: 17.98 EURO

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FormatOn Demand CD
Ordering NumberCK-01184-CCD
labelSmithsonian Folkways CCD
Release date4/6/2005
Release date1/1/1956

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      Even at 60, the accolades kept rolling in for Lizzie Miles: "Powerhouse singing plus some intense torching" (St. Petersburg Times), "Unlimited zest and vocal resource" (Billboard), "Can lift a commonplace tune to inspired heights" (High Fidelity). The Creole Songbird hadn't lost the "shimmy" she made in a career she had entered when she was six years old. Classic sounds of New Orleans blues. (Also check out COOK01182 Moans and Blues and COOK01183 Hot Songs My Mother Taught Me.)

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