Jazz  Contemporary
Lara Alarcón BRUNO S BOOM1290 MC
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Price: 17.98 EURO

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Ordering NumberBOOM1290
labelBoomslang Records
Release date17/01/2025

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameBOOMSLANG Records
  • AdresseBrugg 35, 6870 Bezau, AT
  • e-Mailinfo@galileo-mc.de

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      Description hide

      The trio Alarcón/Ferrari/Cina’s second release concludes the exploration of a sound from the eclectic world of Alarcón. With this trio she looked to translate personal imagery into a genre-less everchanging music.

      The triptych on the first side are pieces inspired by a sense of belonging in distress, the seek for a crawling beat in the clouds of sound, the endless inspirations drawn from the South American experience of fast changing circumstances and the spirit of the garage band. Followed by two improvised pieces on the second side, the trio performs a still of their language developed through years of collaboration. The title BRUNO S, is taken from the life of German character Bruno Schleinstein. Freshly arrived in Berlin, Alarcón felt the cold of a society damaged by the culture of individuality and the shaping of a counterculture of underdogs left to bleed out on the street. The harshness yet softness of her voice gives a poignant speech supported by the stacked guitar sound of Ferrari, while Cina walks like a giant on the snow holding the music together.

      Tracklist hide

      MC 1
      • 1. liminal borders03:56
      • 2.external psychosis04:19
      • 3.el aprendizaje de la síntesis07:08
      • 4.underdog05:19
      • 5. the bleed04:35
      • Total:25:17