Rock  Spanien
Mägo de Oz Alicia en el Metalverso 9781096 CD
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Price: 19.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering Number9781096
Release date16/02/2024

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameWarner Music Spain S.A.
  • AdresseJuan Hurtado de Mendoza, nº3, 28036 Madrid, ES

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      Description hide

      The title will be "Alice in the MetaLverse". It is about Txus' own vision of Alicia, a transgender girl and what she tells her psychologist, entering the MetaLverse. Bulling, anorexia, cyber bullying, and fear are some of the problems Alicia struggles with.

      With the help of her friend "The Mad Hatter", a homeless vagrant, she meets strange characters such as "The Red Queen", a famous Youtuber who exercises her dictatorship on the Internet networks.

      The story is a "crazy and modern" adaptation of Lewis Carrol's novel, "Alice in Wonderland". The adaptation is the work of Txus.

      The album has nothing to do with previous works. It is very metal and heavy. Without losing the essence of Mago de Oz.

      As a novelty they have a new line-up with the voice of Rafa Blas "without a doubt the most awaited novelty" as well as Jorge Salan, an old acquaintance of the band and an excellent guitarist.

      Tracklist hide

      CD 1
      • 1.Mago De OzAlicia En El Metalverso12:01
      • 2.Mägo De OzEl Sombrerero Loco04:30
      • 3.Mägo De OzEl Metalverso04:55
      • 4.Mägo De OzSeremos Huracán04:56
      • 5.Mägo De OzComo Un Susurro06:23
      • 6.Mägo De OzLuna De Sangre05:36
      • 7.Mägo De OzSomos Los Hijos Del Rock03:46
      • 8.Mägo De OzPor Si Un Día Te Pierdes04:58
      • 9.Mägo De OzLa Voz De Los Valientes07:47
      • Total:54:52