World Music  Frankreich  Allgemein
Nord Et Est (L’Aire Franco-ProvenÇAle (Val D’Aoste Alpes Enregistrements Realises Entre 1930 Et 2006 Anthologie Des Musiques Traditionnelles FA5267 CD
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Price: 15.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberFA5267
Release date4/1/2015

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      “This record was produced in the context of the museum work of Guillaume Veillet (a collector and former editor of Trad Magazine), so as to make available to the public a broad panorama of French traditional music. It is one of a collection of 10 CDs, divided geographically by region, that aim to document popular contributions to the history and contem porary nature of our cultural and artistic heritage.” Benjamin Goldenstein

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