Hörbuch  Frankreich  Philisophie
Michel (Le Siecle Du Moi - 1) Onfray Contre-Histoire De La Philosophie Vol. 11 FA5151 13 CD
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Price: 59.99 EURO

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Format13 Audio CD
Ordering NumberFA5151
Release date4/1/2015

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      With this volume # 11, Michel Onfray concentrates on various great philosophers of 19th century: Thoreau, Darwin, Schopenhauer, Feuerbach… A 13 CDs box set by Michel Onfray. In French. A Counter History of Philosophy by famous French philosopher Michel Onfray - with 500 000 records sold until today ! "A parallel history of thinking, that rehabilitates the hedonist and materialist tradition, that resuscitates the gnostics, libertines, baroques, dyonisiac socialists, free spirits and other visionaries..." Robert Maggiori, Libération

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