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Ella Jenkins Nursery Rhymes: Rhyming & Remembering for Young Children & for Older Girls & Boys with Special Language Needs SFW45019 CD
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Price: 15.98 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberSFW45019
labelSmithsonian Folkways
Release date4/6/2005
Release date1/23/1996

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      Twenty-two all-time favorite nursery rhymes with Ella encouraging group participation by cuing lyrics and activities while she sings. Titles include The Muffin Man, Hey Diddle Diddle, and Sing a Song of Sixpence. "[A] good variety of rhymes. Ms. Jenkins has a marvelous speaking voice; when reading rhymes or giving directions, she speaks to the children, not down to them." —Nancy Cooper, Music Educator

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