Hörbuch  Frankreich  Geschichte
Un Cours Particulier De Youssef Seddik Histoire Du Coran (Collection L’Islam Des Lumières) FA5808 3 CD
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Price: 21.56 EURO

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Format3 Audio CD
Ordering NumberFA5808
labelFremeaux & Associes
Release date5/13/2022

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      Frémeaux & Associés and the Grande Mosquée de Paris have joined forces to promote the history, philosophy, cultures and knowledge of the Muslim world. Youssef Seddik is an associate professor of philosophy and a doctor of anthropology, specialising in philosophy in Islamic countries. He has devoted his life to the study of monotheistic sacred texts and in particular to the study of the Quran, the sacred text of Islam. This historical and scientific analysis offers Muslims and non-Muslims alike an essential key to understanding the history of civilisations. Audiobook in French.

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