Hörbuch  Englisch
Various Artists Titanic (1915-1999) : Titanic Survivors In Their Own Voice FA195 2 CD
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Price: 23.98 EURO

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Format2 Audio CD
Ordering NumberFA195
Release date4/1/2015

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      (2-CD set) For the first time ever, the Sound Archives Institute allows us to listen to the original recordings of one of the greatest symbolic events of the 20th century - the sinking of the Titanic and offers a sequential presentation on two compact discs, covering the historical accounts as given by surviving eyewitnesses. These sound documents, issued for the very first time, come complete with a substantial 88-page booklet. Moreover, for the first time since 1912, we can hear the authentic sound of the Titanic's whistle ! NB : During the Titanic's transatlantic crossing in April 1912, both French and English speaking passengers were aboard. Half of the accounts are in French and the other half in English. English versions of the French accounts are provided in the booklet for added comprehension. Includes a 88 page booklet with both French and English notes.

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